

陈能场 土壤家 2021-04-28

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来源:土壤健康研究所(The Soil Health Institute)




2.将大量现有数据纳入对土壤健康和人类健康的综述中, 将学科空白、知识、未知数和立即行动联系起来。整合利益攸关方, 促进跨学科知识, 并汇编成简报和参考资料, 将这些结果传达给许多不同的利益攸关方, 包括学生和推广人员。

3.了解世界各地的土壤健康和再生系统及其对环境和全球粮食系统的影响。验证跨土壤和区域的土壤健康测量方法。让农民参与研究工作。使用推广和农场法案(Extension and Farm Bill)程序来执行操作。

4. 考虑到以下因素, 确定今后的研究问题:如果雇用农民和医疗保健提供者来提供与研究问题相关的土壤健康和/或人类健康结果,那么这将如何影响研究结果的实施和采用?

5. 充分利用长期实验站,利用这些站点与医学界和工业界合作,追踪从土壤、植物、人类和微生物的营养物和毒素的生物利用度。这包括研究农业从业者和消费者相对于食物消耗和化学品接触有关的情况。

6. 确定已知的一套土壤健康措施如何影响人类健康、经济和环境。确定将土壤管理与所生产食品的营养成分联系起来的机制。

7. 在不同地区(至少三个:东部,中西部和西部)建立一个永久性研究基地网络,以便对传统、有机和再生农业生产系统以及城市地区和本地栖息地(如森林)进行营养吸收和其他性质比较。这样的网络将吸引其他研究人员为这项工作带来额外的工具、分析和专业知识,例如食品公司,疾病控制中心和美国农业部。

8. 建立一个中心,以量化整个农业价值链中增加土壤有机质和相关管理系统的积极和消极影响。通过一个由不同研究人员组成的社区为价值链分析提供定量数据,确定如何通过农业管理措施实现效益最大化和对人类健康的不利影响。

9. 表征人类与土壤相互作用的暴露分析及其健康影响,并确定干预途径。在不同的规模和地点与科学、种植者和技术利益相关者交流成果。

10. 确定特定合作伙伴,以增加和优化土壤健康农业管理系统中的生物利用度,从而减少污染并促进社区福祉。


1.Understand the fundamental microbiome structures and functions related to land management, soil health and human health. Connect existing research on the human microbiome to the soil microbiome.

2.  Integrate the vast amount of existing data into a summary review of soil health and human health that links gaps, knowns, unknowns and immediate actions. Integrate stakeholders, facilitate transdisciplinary knowledge, and compile short bullets and references to communicate those results to many diverse stakeholders, including students and Extension personnel.

3.  Understand soil health and regenerative systems around the world and their impacts on the environment and the global food system. Validate methods for soil health measurement across soils and regions. Involve farmers in research efforts. Use Extension and Farm Bill programs to take action.

4. Frame future research questions with the following thought in mind: If farmers and health care providers are hired to deliver soil health and/or human health outcomes associated with a research question, how might that affect the implementation and adoption of the research findings?

5. Capitalize on long-term experiment stations by using them to engage the medical community and industry in tracking bioavailability of nutrients and toxins from soil to plants to humans and microbes. This includes studying farm laborers and consumers relative to food consumed and chemical exposures.

6. Determine how the known suite of soil health practices can impact human wellness, economics and the environment. Determine the mechanism linking soil management with nutritional content of the food produced.

7.  Develop a network of permanent research sites in different regions (at least three: East, Midwest, and West) that allows comparison of conventional, organic, and regenerative agricultural production systems, along with urban areas and native habitats (e.g., forests) for their nutrient uptake and other properties. Such a network would attract other researchers bringing additional tools, analyses, and expertise to the effort, such as food companies, the Centers for Disease Control, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

8. Create a center to quantify the positive and negative impacts of increasing soil organic matter and associated management systems across the entire agricultural value chain. With a community of diverse researchers contributing quantitative data to value chain analysis, determine how to maximize benefits and minimize adverse impacts on human health through agricultural management practices.

9. Characterize human-soil interactions for exposure analyses, health impacts, and identify avenues for intervention. Communicate results with scientific, grower and technical stakeholders at various scales and locations.

10. Identify specific partners to increase and optimize bioavailability in soil health agricultural management systems to decrease contamination and promote community well-being.





